Providing a vital service for Tairāwhiti
While port operations and building and maintaining port infrastructure is the core of what we do, it’s our industry leading approach to reducing our footprint that sets us apart.
What we do
Located right in the heart of Gisborne city, Eastland Port is one of New Zealand’s largest log exporter and the most easterly commercial shipping port in New Zealand. Our primary exports include logs, squash and kiwifruit but we are looking to diversify our products and future proof our infrastructure with the Twin Berth project.
We have two additional storage yards, one located behind the inner harbour precinct on Crawford Road and the other in Matawhero. We are the joint owners of a debarking facility located on port, and own a second debarker facility in Northland.
The port also encompasses the inner harbour and marina precinct, which is a regional hub for marine operations and a popular community space. The Inner Harbour Marina includes 43 berths, a free boat ramp (owned by Gisborne District Council) and a swathe of waterfront restaurants.
We own a number of the waterside and commercial buildings that house local businesses, offices, restaurants and bars. Along with Gisborne District Council, we are proudly responsible for the management and maintenance of the inner harbour area.

Our Values
OWN IT - We take charge of what we do. Whether things go well or not, we own our actions and decisions. We don’t wait for problems to fix themselves we step up and make things better
ABOVE & BEYOND - We don’t just do the bare minimum. We always look for ways to do more and create value for our team, customers, and community
MAKE IT HAPPEN - We get things done. Even if challenges come up, we stick to our word and find solutions

What is the company structure?
Eastland Port is part of a suite of other specialised infrastructure companies which include Gisborne Airport and Eastland Generation.
Eastland Group is the parent company of Eastland Port, Gisborne Airport and Eastland Generation. It is an investment holding company with a focus on governance.
Who owns Eastland Port?
Eastland Port is owned by Trust Tairāwhiti. We aim to deliver consistent growth and excellent returns to our sole shareholder, Trust Tairāwhiti, for the ultimate benefit of our community.
Trust Tairāwhiti is the regional community trust, with a strategic focus on community initiatives, economic development and providing for future generations.
In the financial year 2021/2022, Eastland Port distributed $10m to Trust Tairāwhiti.
How many staff work at Eastland Port?
From tug masters and port protection to engineers and accountants, we have a variety of interesting roles at Eastland Port. In total there are over 90 staff. If you are interested in working with us, click here.
Qube Ports are an international port logistics company who provide innovative stevedoring and marshalling services. They employ around 140 staff, if you are interested in working with them, click here.
What products do you export?
Our primary exports include logs, squash and kiwifruit.
We have reintroduced container shipping in March 2023 after our region's roading network was severely damaged from Cyclone Gabrielle. The new emergency container shipping route between Eastland Port and Napier Port was supported by the government and acted as a lifeline for regional economies and further help aid cyclone recovery.
Who manages the arrival of cruise ships?
We manage the bookings, arrivals/departures of all cruise ships arriving into our region and Trust Tairāwhiti manage tours and logistics on the ground to ensure everything runs smoothly. In the 2022/23 season we had a total of 18 cruise ships visit our region.
Who are your service providers?
ISO Limited are the sole service provider for marshalling and stevedoring services at our port. They are the first point of contact when a log truck arrives to the port as each log is scaled by their staff. Stevedores load and stow cargo onto the ships using their mobile harbour cranes. Marshalling, as distinct from stevedoring, is receiving cargo from out in the region and loading and assembling it on the wharf ready for export.
Exporters and shipping lines serving Eastland Port are represented by agents responsible for co-ordinating shipping services, liaising with the Port staff, and servicing and maintaining vessels during their calls. In our case, we have Dave from Ferguson Marine, Kevin from Eastland Shipping Ltd and Nautilis Shipping.
We have three approved provedors: Bay Provedores, East Coast Provedors and Price Provedors. They supply ships and vessels with supplies, provisions and equipment required.
The port is at the base of Titirangi, where the Tūranganui River flows into the bay. It has been an important voyaging and trading area for many centuries. The port’s commercial history dates back to 1872, when the public wharf was gazetted. Since then, its fortunes and growth have reflected the development of the Tairāwhiti region.
For our businesses, sustainability is about acting in a way that benefits the environment and the communities we operate in – while at the same time creating value for our investors.
At Eastland Port, all our operations must follow detailed consent conditions. Every significant project has its own management plan and we carry out comprehensive environmental monitoring, which we regularly report on.
Our team continue to work on a range of environmental initiatives to help improve the health and mauri of the moana, awa and whenua that surround us.
Read more about our environmental practices here