Matt Kemp and Think Water Gisborne helping the primary sector grow

Think Water Gisborne staff are proud to be helping local farmers, fruit producers, and foresters grow their products and businesses, says company owner Matt Kemp.

“Those industries are the backbone of this region. If farmers and foresters are making money, then we’re all benefiting through more work and jobs, and the local economy is good.”

Kemp’s comments come after a decade of supporting the Tairāwhiti primary sector with innovative and integrated water solutions.

Think Water Gisborne employs 13 staff to design and build irrigation, pumping, filtration, and water treatment systems. They create rainwater harvesting and storage facilities for agriculture and horticulture operations and help maintain water treatment infrastructure for large companies such as Leaderbrand and Eastland Port.

Kemp describes Eastland Port’s stormwater treatment system as “responsible and sustainable”. “They do a very good job monitoring how much water they use and how it’s treated.”

Think Water Gisborne also designed Eastland Port’s site-specific dust suppression technology which helps to ensure that log yard bark, dust, and mud don’t leave the site and make their way into nearby waterways. Kemp says port staff were “hands-on” during the design process. Eastland Port Maintenance and Project Assistant, Matt Schmelz came up with a unique and effective sprinkler nozzle and design. “It’s the green way of improving the health of the environment and they’re always open to new ideas and improvements.”

Over the past few years, Kemp says he’s noticed that there’s a lot of support for improvements to primary sector infrastructure, supply chains, and logistics. Eastland Port’s Twin Berth development is a good example. “Anything that helps shift more cargo like logs, kiwifruit, or squash out of the region is a no-­brainer and I think most people realise that.

“Everything the port does is helping bring money into the region and making jobs.”